A breakthrough process for affordable high protein algae
Our patented dark fermentation process propels the well-known microalgal species, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, out of the lab and into a new world of commercial applications.
Kuehnle AgroSystems was the first company to be granted a patent for the scalable industrial manufacturing of Chlamydomonas using fermentation.
Our process yields highly digestible and truly complete plant-based protein in a whole-food form for the surging alternative protein markets using our proprietary naturalChlamydomonas strains.
Benefits of high proteinChlamydomonas algae sustainably produced by dark fermentation
Extremely fast process, yields one ton of product in just two weeks!
No bio-waste, no polluting run-off compared to soy and beef protein.
Very favorable natural resource footprints: One ton of our algae protein uses 99% less water and land than beef or soy protein.
Superior to soy or pea proteins which are highly processed foods.
GRAS status by US Food and Drug Administration.